PATIENCE: For Life's "Waiting Room" 🪐🥣

About this 20 Minute Sound Bath:

Patience is designed for when you are in the "waiting room" of life, waiting to heal, waiting for an outcome, waiting for answers.

The space between what is and what will be can be vast, it can take a day, week, or even years to cross over. This sound bath is designed ot keep you calm while you wait.

This sound bath experience starts with the soothing resonance of crystal bowls, setting a tone of calm and reflection. The journey continues with a deliberate, slow-paced gong meditation, featuring the resonant tones of the Saturn and Mercury gongs.

Sound meditation is a counter-balance to the go-go-go world of alerts, emails, deadlines, and pressure...

Consider this: what would it feel like to deliberately slow down and do nothing, even for only a brief portion of your day? What messages and insights might you discover?

Set a 30 minute timer, get comfortable, and give yourself the most precious gift of all: Time (thanks, Oprah!)



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