BABY SLOTH: A midlength version of the Signature Sound Bath 🗣🥣🪐✨

About this 25 Minute Sound Bath:

An ever so slightly abbreviated version of Melissa's signature sound bath, cuz sometimes you need deep relaxation but don't have a full hour to spare!

Here's a guide to the sonic formula enjoyed by thousands:

  • Brief Guided IntroDesigned to transition you from the busy outer world to a calm, simple inner space. We've added a "Without Guide-In" version for sound experts who just want to dive right into the sound.
  • Quartz Crystal Bowls: Your brain will entrain and slow down to deeper states of profound relaxation through the slow, clear tones of crystal singing bowls.
  • Planetary Gongs: Experience the sonic energy of Jupiter and the Full Moon. These instruments generate powerful fundamental and harmonic frequencies and offer a wide range of meditative tones.
  • Chimes: Koshi Chimes deliver a delicious coda to your healing journey.
  • Silence: The secret ingredient! After the sound ends, your ability to absorb profound silence will be enhanced. Your hearing will be heightened. Take a moment to absorb all the sounds around you, and incorporate them into your experience.



PS: if that's not enough to warm your soul, here's a baby sloth:

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