HEART HEALING: Inspire self-compassion 🪐🥣✨

Use this 33 minute sound bath to recharge your heart chakra: 

The heart chakra, Anahata, is associated with compassion, tenderness, and unconditional love. During these crazy times, it is mega important to increase self-love and self-compassion as we traverse new terrain.

So for this sound bath, I've pulled out my Deep Heart bowl, a gigantic 16" bowl generating a deep F-Sharp tone, and my 24" Venus Gong. The deep heart or Hridaya, is the space below the emotional heart that is protected, safe, and unwounded.

Listen to this sound bath when your heart needs a little TLC, you've said or done something you ultimately regretted, or need a gentle reminder that your soul heart is always loved.

With unconditional love,


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