How to Navigate this Course

This course is designed into 5 modules, these can be done week by week or more quickly, depending on your own personal pace and how quickly you purchase your bowl.

A few tips for navigating this course your first time:

Watch the videos in order: we've put a lot of thought into the sequencing of these lessons, meeting the instruments and buying your first bowl, setting up and learning the basics, then growing your skills towards mastery. We are building up your vocabulary and skills along the way.

We recommend buying a bowl before moving onto the exercises and technical information BUT you don't have to wait if you don't have a bowl: your bowl buying process has been simplified with a step-by-step guide and we recommend buying a bowl when you reach that part of the course, if possible. If you aren't able to it's okay, watching Melissa's playing technique, learning the concepts and getting familiar with the vocabulary will make you much more comfortable when you're actually sitting down in front of a real live crystal bowl!

Play along: the exercise videos were designed so you can play along, even if your bowl doesn't quite harmonize with ours. Simply turn down the sound and use the text prompts.

Patience & self-compassion: sure, you'll feel the fun jolt of achievement when your bowl starts to sing for the first time, but there are many nuances to learning and you'll face the occasional setback or roadblock. And that's okay! You're doing something new... just keep trying, check out the troubleshooting, and allow plenty of time for self-care throughout your sound healing journey!

Important: if at any point when you are playing a crystal bowl and you feel pain in your arm, wrist, shoulder, or anywhere else in your body, PAUSE! Take time to check your body position, posture, the placement of your bowl, your grip on the mallet, etc. Make sure you are relaxed in body and mind before your resume playing. As with anything, if you have a physical or mental health issue, please consult a professional before playing.

Still feeling overwhelmed or want advice on a second companion bowl? Jason is a professional musician and player. If you are feeling stressed, book a private consultation with him by emailing [email protected]

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