Set the Space
Homelives are complicated and we gotta create a pretty stern boundary so our body, mind, and spirit knows we are stepping out of busy everyday and in the healing zone.
A simple 10 minute mini-ritual done relatively in the same way each time, instantly shifts our minds to a more receptive state that is primed for deeper healing through the process of entrainment.
When we offer the mind the stability of a ritual that is essentially the same each time, it gets it. It’s like, “oh, we are about to do a sound bath! Squeal. Time to start relaxing.” Consider this ritual as a buffer between your daily life and your personal transformation. There are three basic concepts to apply when you're setting the space before the sound bath:
- Entrainment: create a specific routine or ritual that you repeat each time you listen to the sound bath so that your mind and body begin to associate the routine with personal healing & transformation
- Senses: further your entrainment by incorporating the senses through sight, sound, smell, and touch
- Intention: Consider the deeper why you are taking this workshop and what you hope to receive.
With these concepts in mind, here are the steps of setting the space:
STEP ONE: Set aside uninterrupted time Self-healing often needs to be declared for it to happen. Life gets busy and we just simply forget until we are way outta balance and HAVE to have it right now. Stay ahead of the curve by blocking out specific dates/times on your calendar, silence devices, let your household know you're seeking solitude, and, as best as you can, create an environment that is free of distraction. We recommend at the end of the day in bed after all your daily responsibilities are finished. ahhhh, how nice.
STEP TWO: Entrain with a specific song Stream the awesome song we provided below or choose your own specific song while you are gathering your props and getting yourself ready. TIP: Play the same song each time you set the space to entrain your mind to associate the music with your healing zone.
STEP THREE: Activate your intentions & enhance your senses This is HUGE for me. Humans love scent and beauty. Our senses love to be rewarded. The minute you add a dash of incense or essential oil to your healing, suddenly, the energy shifts into a fun ritual. Think essential oil sprays or rollers, candles, incense, or flowers. Again, use the same type of sense inspiration each time. As in, if you choose incense, it can be different types of incense but include incense every time.
BONUS: Intention Altar Create a visual reminder of what you are stoked about right now with an intention altar. I love making these! I keep them up for a few weeks while I am working on a certain vibe or want a certain manifestation. What are you working on or through? What is the general vibe you’d like for yourself right now? Then, go on a hunt in your house and grab stuff that you feel represents this intention. Put it out somewhere you can see it and glance at it as you pass by. You’ll find your mind sayin, “Ohhhh yeah, I almost forgot but I really do want that. Gimme! ” everytime you pass by.
And if you'd like to play a megafun intention altar game, you can sign up for our free 5-day Supercharge Your Intuition course.
Drop into the healing zone with our 10 minute custom ambient music piece, "Centering", developed to set the perfect mood as you set the space.
Here's an example of my intention altar for Winter Solstice: the Medicine Buddha to remind me how important my own wellness & self care is right now, R2D2 to remind me that the future is unknown and filled with galatic possibilties,