Warm, Dark, Cozy: Why the Nervous System Loves It


Guess what! The nervous system is super picky, it wants to be warm, it likes the dark, and relishes in the quiet. If you an balance these three aspects, you will give yourself a killer sound bath!

  • A cozy blanket to cuddle up with. Your temperature will drop as you get relaxed AF
  • One pillow for under your head, dreamy.
  • A second pillow for under your knees to relax the hell out of your low back. Gamechanger.
  • A scarf, bandana, eye pillow, or dark room to get the room nice and dark. Little known scientific fact, when you reduce visual stimuli you activate your "rest and digest"  nervous system.
  • Comfy non-restrictive clothing: such as kittens n mittens pajamas or cozy sweats
  • BONUS: A journal and pen to preserve insights or inspirations that come up during the sound bath. It can be nice to create a sonic journal and just write whatever you saw. These insights tend to be dreamy and fleeting, they are hard to recall post SB. Then again, the physical act of writing may seem harder than usual after such complete bliss. 

For long sound baths it is super yummy to lay down and just give your physical body a break. You can lay down your bed, on a couch, or on the floor on a yoga mat or soft rug.  Totally a-okay to be seated but harder to get into the mood when your body is straining to sit up.

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