Comfort is Key


Here is what you need to get you as comfy as possible which will maximize the benefits:

  • A cozy blanket to help you stay warm (your temperature will drop as you relax)
  • One pillow for under your head
  • A second pillow for under your knees which will infinitely relax your low back. Gamechanger.
  • A scarf, bandana, eye pillow, or dark room to reduce visual stimuli which has been scientifically proven to activate you "rest and digest" nervous system.
  • Comfy non-restrictive clothing: such as pajamas or sweats
  • A journal and pen to preserve insights or inspirations that come up during the sound bath

Lying down for this experience is important, whether that is in your bed, on a couch, or on the floor on a yoga mat or soft rug. It is possible to do this seated but harder to get comfortable and therefore difficult to get into deeper meditative states.

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